Fun Stuff
Pg 16 - The Sunshine Express
2013 February
Time for a break and some fun!
Crossword Puzzle
(Solutions/Answers are on page 15)
Tease Me
I'm present in the nighttime, I'm absent from days,
I'm always in the Kitchen, but never in your way,
Find me in romantic moods, see me in the stars,
I'll be there in a whistle, but I won't be in my car,
If you want to find me, here's a little clue,
All you have to really do, is look in front of U!
Sudoku Rules:
1. Corvine bird
2. Male chicken
The rules of the game are simple: You
4. Breed of hound
3. Water bird
simply fill in all the squares in the grid so
_ _
__ _ _
__ _ __ __
__ _
7. Intelligent
4. Small white
that each row, column and each of the 3x3
21 11
16 8 5 11
24 11 13 9 11 17 4
4 19 11
aquatic creature
squares contains all the digits from 1 to 9
9. Rodent
5. Carnivorous
__ _ __
_ __ _
_ _ _
___ __
without repeats or omissions.
2 9 11 13 4
21 19 11 24
21 11
13 9 11
2 9 11 13 4
18 24
10. Tallest living
ocean fish
6. Dromedary
Two Turkeys
_ _ __ L __ _
__ _ _ ___ ___ __
11. Food for ba-
8. Herbivorous
19 23 5 18 7 18 4 12 - 9 13 15 18 24 14 9 13 24 13 4 19
leen whales
_ _ __ _ _
13. Striped
12. S. American
4 13 2 8 9 11
Riddle Me
18. Larged spot-
ted feline
14. Burrowing
1 - I can be hot or cold, liquid or solid, flaky or wet.
20. Nocturnal
What am I?
15. Slow moving
2 - What word becomes shorter when you add two
21. Musteline
arboreal mammal
letters to it?
16. Snakes
3 - What do Eskimos get from sitting on the ice too
22. Tusked ma-
17. Legendary
Find Me
rine mammal
fertility bird
23. Type of bird
19. Shaggy-maned
Can you find something  Can you find something
warm in the words below? fun in the words below?
Color Me
Can you color `The Love Train' in the drawing at
right to match the painting below? How about
choosing your own colors and making a unique
masterpiece? Whatever you decide, have FUN!!
Last Laugh
A film crew was on location in the desert. One day,
an Old Indian went to the director and said, "Tomor-
row rain." The next day it rained.
A week later, the Indian went to the director and
said, "Tomorrow storm." The next day there was a
fierce hailstorm.
"This guy is incredible," thought the director, so he
hired him to predict the weather. After several suc-
cessful predictions, however, the Indian didn't show
"If you treat every situation as
"All I really, really want our love
up for two weeks.
So the director sent for him. "I have to shoot a big
a life and death matter, you'll
to do, is to bring out the best in me,
scene tomorrow, what will the weather be like?"
die a lot of times" - Dean Smith
and in you too" - Joni Mitchell
The Indian shrugged, "Don't know, radio broken."